How to Follow an Ovulation Calendar

Date Added: Jul 19, 2012


Any woman who is diligently trying to conceive would do well to enlist the help of an ovulation calendar or a fertility calendar. Getting in tune with your body’s natural rhythm is essential when trying to get pregnant and such a calendar can really help take the guesswork out of the whole equation.

Understanding Ovulation

Before you get started on the wonderful journey of creating a child, it’s important to know the ins and outs of how ovulation works so you can get the very most out of your pregnancy calendar possible. Every month – about a week after the end of your period – your body releases an egg from one of your ovaries. The maturation of the egg is facilitated by the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Luteinizing hormone (LH) is then produced to release the egg.

Pinpointing the Best Time to Get Pregnant

Many women can actually feel the release of their egg from the ovary every month. However, there are other ways to figure out when you’re actually ovulating. Pay close attention to your ovulation calendar to make sure you don’t miss the period during which you’re likely to ovulate. Then monitor your body temperature for a telltale spike that occurs just before and during ovulation. This is your best time to make love with your partner in order to conceive the child you so badly want.

Avoiding Pregnancy With and Ovulation Calendar

Such tools aren’t just for women who are looking to conceive. Fertility calendars can also be used by those looking to avoid pregnancy via the fertility awareness method. Determine your most fertile days each month and avoid having unprotected intercourse during those periods.

Understanding How Well and Ovulation Calendar Can Work for You

While most women can easily use an ovulation calendar to pinpoint the best days during their cycle to conceive, it’s important to realize that such calendars really work best for women who have regular cycles. The more regular your cycle tends to be as a rule, the more helpful a period calendar will be in helping you conceive a child. Women with irregular cycles or period cycles that are either longer or shorter than average may not have as easy a time.

Consult Your Doctor for Additional Tips

If you do happen to have cycles that are less regular or otherwise unusual, then you may want to ask your doctor what your options are when it comes to ovulation calendars. He or she may be able to help you better understand the way your unique personal cycle works and determine where in your cycle you tend to ovulate. Based on this information, the two of you may be able to put together an ovulation calendar that is as accurate as you could possibly hope for.

about the author

Whether you are trying to fall pregnant or trying to avoid falling pregnant, Libra can help. Log onto to track your period. We will send you emails when you are ovulating, when your period is due and help you manage your cycle.