Articles (1-4 of 4)

Find the nearest Shell fuel station with the Station Finder App of FLEETCOR

Free mobile Fuel Station Finder App of FLEETCOR, find the nearest fuel stations and plan your route!

New Station Finder from FLEETCOR for euroShell Fuel Card Holders

The new online map from FLEETCOR shows which fuel stations accept euroShell fuel cards

Shell Fuel Stations Map from FLEETCOR

The new map from FLEETCOR helps to find fuel stations of Shell and its partners

Climbing Kilimanjaro - the Highest Mountain of Africa - by the Bravest Conquerors

Kilimanjaro climb records. The oldest, the youngest, the first BASE jump, the first successful highlining, the first football match at the highest point of the African - find out about the Kili record holders here!


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